In 2017, research by Debrett’s, a leading expert on etiquette since 1769, revealed that 1 in 3 non-vapers felt a lack of politeness amongst vapers. Yet, an overwhelming 80% of vapers try to be considerate of the people around them. This highlights the glaring need to clear up the social do’s and don’ts of e-cigarette usage for vapers and non-vapers alike. Fortunately, the team at Purplebox Vapours have compiled a very useful infographic intended to help you navigate the social minefield that is vaping.
One particularly thorny issue can be vaping in public places. As this infographic reveals, if you would like to vape in a public space while there are others present, it is best practice to ask them if they mind before taking it out. And it is best to avoid vaping altogether if the space is enclosed, for example if you are in a lift or a car.
As we all know, etiquette is a two-way street so it’s key for non-vapers to mind their manners too. For example, many vapers identified that some non-vapers confuse vaping with smoking and are not sympathetic to the fact that vapers often take up the habit for health reasons. For non-vapers, the advice is to try to avoid judging making e-cigarette users for what is essentially a move to cut down on a deadly habit.
For more tips and tricks on e-cigarette etiquette, take a look at the infographic guide below.