Our call to action
Over 200,000 Irish consumers to date, have made the choice to switch to vaping in order to help reduce smoking.
As part of the Public Health (Tobacco Products and Nicotine Inhaling Products) Bill 2019, there are moves afoot to introduce restrictions to the choice of vaping products currently available to Irish adults which could result in consumers moving back towards smoking after making the switch to vaping.
For years we’ve been calling on Government to make the sale of vaping products to under 18’s illegal, both to protect young people and to create an environment in which it is fully understood that vaping products are for adult smokers.
Many users of vaping products now feel that...
"...their choice to switch from smoking
to vaping is not being respected at a political level.”
Switch to vaping
There is extensive research into the role vaping can play as an alternative to smoking.
Unlike other nicotine-delivery systems, vaping mimics the hand-to-mouth motion of smoking. This behavioural characteristic of vaping often helps smokers in their journey to switch from cigarettes.
Likewise, the range of nicotine strengths and e-liquid flavours available with vaping products means that users can customise the product, so it best suits their needs during their journey to switch.
Public Health England has found that “e-cigarettes are 95% less harmful to your health than normal cigarettes.”
Vaping has been found to be the second most important tool for those looking to switch from smoking (second only after willpower alone) and a study by Queen Mary University London found vaping products to be “more effective for smoking cessation than nicotine replacement therapy.”
Facts vs Myths
There are several commonly held misconceptions about vaping products.
See how these untruths are debunked by drawing upon independently verifiable facts.
Who vapes in Ireland
Frequently asked questions
Membership of Responsible Vaping Ireland is open to commercial entities with an interest in the vaping sector in the Republic of Ireland. Membership is conditional upon provision of requested documentation relating to the applicant and to approval by the other members of the association.
If you are interested in becoming a member, email us:
Our campaign aims
We ask for consumer’s choice to switch from smoking to vaping be respected. Over 200,000 Irish consumers to date, have made the choice to switch to vaping in order to help reduce smoking.
We wish to see more evidence-based policy making which in turn will allow for more evidence-based regulation of vaping products in Ireland, providing consumer choice to well-regulated market. In that regard, we are calling on Government to deliver effective, evidence-based and balanced regulation of vaping products.
We believe that vaping products must be regulated in a responsible manner while upholding the principles of consumer choice for adults, particularly for adult smokers who wish to find a less harmful alternative.
Contact Us
If you need to get in touch with us please see our details below or click on the email address to send us a message!