*This is a personal account of one individual’s experience with vaping*
Last year, for the month of April (also known as VApril), I made it my mission to try vaping as a less harmful alternative to cigarettes.
For me, a big advantage of vaping was being able to control my nicotine intake. Vaping meant I was able to gradually reduce the nicotine levels of my e-liquids at a pace that suited me.
A year later and I’m still tobacco free! In fact, I haven’t looked back since taking part in VApril. I’ve no interest in going back to cigarettes. I’m even finding the smell of cigarettes off putting, which made quitting a lot easier. I also feel better, have more energy and I have more money, which is an added bonus!
Vaping is the alternative that worked for me. If you are looking for a less harmful alternative to smoking, then vaping might be the option that works for you too.
VApril is a vaping awareness campaign running throughout the month of April. Follow us on Twitter @VapeBusinessIre and #VApril to find out more.