Vape Business Ireland (VBI) has welcomed the results of a new peer-reviewed clinical trial to be published in the February edition of Regulatory Toxicology and Pharmacology. The 24-month clinical trial has shown that the health of people who used e-cigarettes on a regular basis was not impacted negatively.
The Dutch study, named “Evaluation of the Safety Profile of an Electronic Vapour Product Used for Two Years by Smokers in a Real-life Setting” found that of the 209 individuals that took part, no serious health concerns were reported. The study also showed that nicotine withdrawal symptoms were reduced with the continued use of vaping products.
Michael Kenneally, director of Vape Business Ireland said “The results of the study are very positive and they reaffirm VBI’s position that the HSE needs to start looking at vaping as a viable tool for smoking cessation. International studies increasingly prove that the regulation of vaping products must be looked at separately to tobacco regulation. VBI continue to call on the Department of
Health and HSE to provide Irish adults looking for an alternative to smoking with factual and clear information on all alternatives to smoking, specifically on”.
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