Vape Business Ireland is calling on the Government and HSE to embrace vaping as a less harmful alternative to smoking and offer smokers clear, factual information on its website.
The recently published Healthy Ireland 2018 survey results (found here) show that:
Vape Business Ireland (VBI) Director Michael Kenneally welcomed the survey findings which show an increase in smokers turning to vaping products as a less harmful alternative to cigarettes: “The results of the survey reaffirm what VBI have been stating for over 2 years – smokers are increasingly using vaping as an alternative to smoking despite a total lack of information or advice from our tax payer funded stop smoking service, The Government has an ambitious plan for a Tobacco Free Ireland by 2025 which has target of 5% smoking prevalence by 2025 but the figure is currently at 17%. Great strides are being made in the UK with public health bodies now using vaping products in their stop smoking services and as a contributory result see a decrease in smoking rates position that the Government and the HSE need to review their stance on vaping products. The role vaping can play cannot be ignored any more by our policy makers anymore.”
Additional statistics on vaping in Ireland:
For more information: