All of the recent adverse health issues are in the USA and they have been linked to black market, unregulated products, the majority of which contained THC (the psychoactive component of cannabis which makes you high) and other oils (such as vitamin E acetate) which are not meant for vaping.
There is little or no regulation of vape products in the USA whereas EU regulation on e-liquids and devices is much more strict
There are strict rules on what ingredients we can use in our products the maximum nicotine strength of e-liquids and the maximum amount of liquid per bottle, as well as how products are labelled
All products for sale in Ireland are first notified to the HSE where detailed submissions have to be made in relation to ingredients
Vape products have been sold in Ireland for over 10 years with no reports of adverse consequences
VBI encourages vapers to only purchase vape products from reputable outlets
All VBI members are strongly opposed to youth vaping and in the absence of legislation have committed to a Code of Conduct